Stereological Correction  


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    MTI uses and distributes a simple, reliable and accurate method for the stereological correction. The method is theoretically based and can be accurately calibrated against reliable and verifiable data in the laboratory.

    The demand for stereological correction is brought about by the need to remove the bias introduced by measuring mineral liberation on polished sections of particles in a sample.

SEM - Polished Section - Apatite 1180x850 microns

    This illustrates the bias introduced by sectionning the sample: although the particles are from a narrow size fraction, there "appears" to be particles of all sizes in the picture.

lcurve graph

    Lcurve analysis to determine which transformation kernel is best suited to the mineral texture considered.

linear grade measurements

    Linear grade distribution for each particle size as measured by image analysis from iron ore particles cross section mounted on the Scanning Electron Microscope.

corrected volumetric grades

    Volumetric grade distribution after stereological correction of the above measurements.

Note the difference between the 2!

    MTI offers StereoSoft™(for Windows 95/98/NT and Solaris/Linux), a software that allows you to do the L-curve analysis and perform the stereological correction of your measured linear or areal grades (whatever their source: optical, SEM, MLA or QEM*SEM). Graphical outputs similar to the ones above are produced as well as tabular data for recovery calculations and flowsheet simulations. Inpit data for MODSIM™, our Modular Ore Dressing Simulator, is also produced automatically.

    A number of transformation kernels for linear and areal measurements are already available. MTI can also develop a transformation kernel for your particular mineral texture and implement it in StereoSoft, making the procedure even more accurate.

For more information about the method or our software or to inquire
about how this could apply to your particular needs, contact us.

© Mineral Technologies, Inc. 1998-2008